2001年頃、私はNew Yorkでオートクチュールドレスを制作していました。
オートクチュールのドレスと同様 、お客様とデザイナーが一緒に作品を作り上げていくスタイルです。
The genuine luxury only she who chooses Churie’s necklace knows
Around the year 2001, I was in New York working as a designer of haute couture costumes for professional clients such as operatic singers, stage dancers, etc.
The experience of making costumes in an environment surrounded by artistic creators gave me a huge impact and enabled me to go forward with career as a designer.
One day, it just came to me, a thought of how fantastic an experience it will be if I could offer bespoke, made to order services to many more of ordinary people.
Surely nothing compares to haute couture garments for their ultimate comforts and luxurious superiority, yet in order to pass the message to people, it needed to have somewhat more accessible media. Then I came across the Crochet Chains. (*see the link [what is Crochet Chains])
This experience eventually changed the course of my career – launching “Churie” brand in 2006, aiming to offer more customers opportunities of owning and enjoying made to order accessories.
Accessories also have the best size for each person who wears them.
Especially with necklaces, you could achieve a perfect and beautiful fitting by selecting the right piece.
On the other hand, if you choose the wrong sized long necklace, the coordination of dress and accessory will become rather unbalanced and unattractive.
It is not just the length of a necklace but the size of motifs as well.
When all is well balanced and fitted, the ultimate luxury could truly be experienced.
At Churie, you are offered to have counseling and discussion with the designer until you are totally happy to select the design to proceed.
As with the haute couture dresses, you, as a customer together with the Churie designer will make your one and only special piece.
It is our pleasure if more of the customers could experience the sheer joy and luxury of owning made to order piece of accessory.
プロフィール | Profile
Churie代表 兼 デザイナー
New Yorkにある「Maison Sapho School of Dressmaking & Design Inc.」にて、オートクチュールドレスの制作技術、ファッション小物の装飾技術を習得。卒業後、オペラ歌手のリサイタル衣装やウェディングドレス、New Yorkコレクションの制作にかかわる。
2006年 横浜元町に対面式のカウンセリングを取り入れたオーダーメイド アクセサリーブランド「Churie(チュリエ)http://churie.com」をオープン。現在に至る。
オートクチュール アクセサリーを通じて、
Churie Founder and Designer
After graduating from a University in Tokyo, worked at Apparel and IT industry for 7 years.
3 months after reading an article about [the disappearing reality of skills in Haute Couture] decided to go to the US and study for Haute Couture dressmaking.
At [Maison Sapho School of Dressmaking & Design Inc.] in New York, Koyuki gained experience and learning particular skills for making Haute Couture garments and fashion accessories.
Back in her native Japan in 2004, Koyuki started to have a strong desire to let not only the professional singers and stage dancers but the ordinary ladies know of the Haute Couture of accessories, that how gorgeous and lovely it can be to have them made only for themselves.
So determined she was that in 2006 Koyuki managed to launch her own brand “Churie” with a face to face design studio for counseling, in Motomachi, in Yokohama city.
And she has never looked back to this day.
出版 | Publishing

手芸本 「モダン リボン クラフト」
グラフィック社 2009年発売
2009 Art Craft Book [The Modern Ribbon Craft]
by Graphic Co.Ltd

手芸本 「幸福手作时间:百变创意丝带」
中国語版の出版開始 2011年発売
2011 Art Craft Book 幸福手作时间:百变创意丝带
Chinese edition launched

Churie 作品集 「Churie Collection」
2007年~ 年1回発行
From 2007 published yearly Churie Collection
講師 | Lecturing
- 2008 – 2011
- 東京家政大学短期大学部 服飾美術学科 非常勤講師
Dressing & Art Department, Tokyo Junior College of Domestic Science As a part-time lecturer
取材 | Media
- 2012
会員誌「ZENBI」- 連載企画“美のアルチザン”
Members’ magazine [ZENBI] Series edition “Artisan of Beauty” - 2010
雑誌「VERY」- サロンのお教室特集
Magazine [VERY] – Special edition for Lessons at saloons - 2009
本 「お誂え手帖-花島ゆき著」- Churie 帯飾りの掲載
Art Book by Yuki Hanashima – Make to Order Items decorated by Churie - 2008
TBS「知っとこ」- 自分へのご褒美特集オーダーメイド編
TBS Tokyo Broadcasting Systems TV program [Shittoko] Gift to yourself-a made to order edition